Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Better known as IVF

N vitro fertilization (IVF) or better known as IVF has been known since the 1980's. Each year, experts offer the latest techniques IVF increasingly refined so that a greater chance of pregnancy.Dr.Jamie Grifo, director of the NYU Fertility Center in New York, USA, explains, healthy chromosomes and the selection of embryos is crucial for the success of pregnancy and implantation into the uterus.

Better known as IVF

Traditional IVF is done by stimulating the ovaries produce a number of eggs. Then the eggs will be retrieved and fertilized by a sperm in the cup stained. Fertilized embryo was developed in the laboratory setting. The doctor will take the healthiest embryos, which is considered the most enduring, and then implanted into the womb. The challenge is how to determine whether an embryo is the best? Several embryos at once are avoided because it can lead to multiple pregnancies which will ultimately increase complications. Quite often forced prematurely born twins.

Womans eggs age also affect pregnancy outcome. "Women aged 30 years had a 58 percent chance of pregnancy. At age 40, the odds dropped to 27 percent," said Grifo. He added that the older the age of the egg, the more likely the occurrence of chromosomal disorders such as Down syndrome. Experts are now trying a new approach that is doing the testing chromosomes in embryos and cells that will develop into the placenta. The analysis is conducted comprehensive embryos. 

While waiting for the result, the embryos will be frozen. Once the test results are known, will be selected embryos are chromosomal normal. Then the doctor a healthy embryo. In this way, the mother will only contain one fetus so that more healthy pregnancy to term delivery. If the first doctor does the embryo implants in the second or third day, is now performed on the fifth day of implantation. Additional time is used to select embryos that are less good."With this approach, the chance of the mother having a healthy baby is bigger," said Grifo who published his method in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 

However, a new approach in IVF technique makes the cost more expensive than the standard procedure. According to Grifo, actually this method actually saves costs due to premature births twins and can also reduce the risk of miscarriage. In Jakarta, some fertility clinics also began to implement the development of the embryo outside the womb for a longer period of time to acquire seed embryo Chances of pregnancy even greater.

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